Review of Sun’s precise position in Lord Sri Ram’s birth chart based on Dasa Vargas
Author(s): Raghavendra Sai Akkinapragada and Dr. Venkata Chaganti
Sage Valmiki in his epic Ramayana had mentioned various planetary positions, lagna and birth star but did not mention precise position of each planet in the birth chart of Lord Shri Ram. Based on our previous research work [4], we found out Sun’s position at 7.30 in Aries in Lord Rama’s birth chart. In this paper, we reviewed Sun’s position with the help of Dasa ‘Vargas classifications’ and ‘Descriptions’ and matched with Lord Shri Ram’s life as mentioned in Sage Valmiki’s Ramayana. This analysis and review confirms Sun’s position at 7.30 in Aries in Lord Rama’s birth chart.
Raghavendra Sai Akkinapragada, Dr. Venkata Chaganti. Review of Sun’s precise position in Lord Sri Ram’s birth chart based on Dasa Vargas. Int J Jyotish Res 2023;8(1):120-124. DOI: 10.22271/24564427.2023.v8.i1b.170