International Journal of Jyotish Research

International Journal of Jyotish Research

ISSN: 2456-4427

2023, Vol. 8 Issue 2, Part B
Placement of Rahu and Ketu in Lord Sri Rama's birth chart
Author(s): Raghavendra Sai Akkinapragada and Dr. Venkata Chaganti
Based on our previous research works [1-12], we found out precise planetary positions and their degrees in Lord Sri Rama’s birth chart and these planetary positions and their degrees were corroborated with the help of Dasa ‘Varga Classifications’ and Descriptions. Lord Sri Rama’s precise birth time has been determined through our research work [13]. Our further research works [14, 15] confirmed that planet Mercury (Budha) was ‘not in existence’ during Lord Sri Rama’s time period. In this analysis, various situations were taken into consideration as explained by Sage Vālmiki in his epic Rāmāyana: (1) Lord Sri Rama’s coronation muhurat chosen by King Dasaratha, (2) fearful & inauspicious events envisioned by King Dasaratha, (3) Sita explains age of Lord Sri Rama to Ravana at the start of their exile period, (4) Lord Sri Rama tells Sugreeva (at his coronation time after killing Vali) that four months rainy season has commenced and current month is Shravana, (5) deadline set by King Sugreeva to vanaras to find Sita, (6) Angada explains about entering of Spring season before finding Sita, (7) war muhurat set by Lord Sri Rama to mobilize vanaras towards Lanka, (8) Lakshmana explains about constellations and planetary positions during the march towards Lanka, and (9) Hanauma’s message to Guha about Lord Sri Rama’s arrival on Panchami tithi at hermitage of Sage Bharadwaja. From all the above events and situations, we deduced placements of Rahu and Ketu in Lord Sri Rama’s birth chart.
Pages: 93-96  |  711 Views  250 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Raghavendra Sai Akkinapragada, Dr. Venkata Chaganti. Placement of Rahu and Ketu in Lord Sri Rama's birth chart. Int J Jyotish Res 2023;8(2):93-96. DOI: 10.22271/24564427.2023.v8.i2b.183
International Journal of Jyotish Research

International Journal of Jyotish Research

International Journal of Jyotish Research
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