Mesmerising planetary formations on Lord Sri Rama’s bow breaking and wedding day
Author(s): Raghavendra Sai Akkinapragada and Dr. Venkata Chaganti
In this research paper, we have discovered the month, tithi, star and age of Lord Sri Rama on the day of his wedding with Sita Devi by exploring various planetary positions. The description of the wedding nakshatra (star) and other pointers are taken from Sage Valmiki’s Ramayana and Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra.
Raghavendra Sai Akkinapragada, Dr. Venkata Chaganti. Mesmerising planetary formations on Lord Sri Rama’s bow breaking and wedding day. Int J Jyotish Res 2023;8(2):123-128. DOI: 10.22271/24564427.2023.v8.i2b.189