Did dreadful planetary placements paired with Sade Sati forced Lord Sri Rama to go into exile?
Author(s): Raghavendra Sai Akkinapragada and Dr. Venkata Chaganti
In this research paper, we have precisely calculated planetary placements at the time when King Dasaratha told to Lord Sri Rama that he’d get coronated and for the planned coronation day. We have explored results bestowed upon Lord Sri Rama during his Venus antardasa in Ketu mahadasa, as the coronation event was planned during this transit of planets. It was also observed that, during this transit, Lord Sri Rama underwent Sade Sati 2nd phase. Taking several pointers from Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra and Sage Valmiki’s Ramayana, we have compared Lord Sri Rama’s life events and respective planetary transit results and found them to be in parallel.
Raghavendra Sai Akkinapragada, Dr. Venkata Chaganti. Did dreadful planetary placements paired with Sade Sati forced Lord Sri Rama to go into exile?. Int J Jyotish Res 2023;8(2):184-193. DOI: 10.22271/24564427.2023.v8.i2c.0194