International Journal of Jyotish Research

International Journal of Jyotish Research

ISSN: 2456-4427

2024, Vol. 9 Issue 1, Part A
Kaal Purush Siddhant in Vedic astrology: A modern perspective
Author(s): Abhishek Kumar and Jyoti Arora
In Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra (BPHS), an ancient scripture on Vedic Astrology, Sage Parashara expounds on the concept of Kaal Purush while discussing the intricate process of cosmic manifestation. According to this scripture, Maha Vishnu, the revered lord of the Universe in Hindu cosmology, is depicted as transcending the three Gunas (qualities) viz., sât, râj and tâm, that govern material existence. Despite being beyond the grasp of these Gunas, Maha Vishnu is considered the ultimate cause of creation, possessing immense glory and power. The text describes that Maha Vishnu observes the Universe with only a fraction of his omnipotent energy, while the remaining three-quarters, filled with divine nectar, remain veiled and accessible only to enlightened sages.
This ancient understanding finds intriguing parallels in modern physics, particularly in the principle known as the Observer Effect within Quantum Mechanics. The Observer Effect suggests that the act of observing a quantum system influences its behaviour, with the mere act of attention causing wave functions to collapse into definite states. In essence, focused thought or observation triggers the condensation of wave energy into observable matter, implying a profound link between consciousness and the material world. This aligns with the notion of Maha Vishnu's role as the primal observer and creator of the Universe, suggesting a deep resonance between ancient spiritual insights and contemporary scientific understanding.
Furthermore, BPHS delves into the idea that the divine essence permeates all beings, with the entire Universe existing within Maha Vishnu himself, symbolized as the Kaal Purush or the Cosmic Being. According to this perspective, every individual entity contains aspects of both Jeevatmansh and Paramatmansh, with certain beings embodying a predominance of one aspect over the other. This concept parallels modern interpretations of quantum fields, wherein every individual is surrounded by an intangible field of boundless energy, from which all physical reality emerges.
The convergence between Vedic cosmology and modern physics is further endorsed by the principles of String Theory. String Theory postulates that the fundamental building blocks of the Universe are not particles but rather tiny vibrating strings, whose interactions give rise to all observable phenomena. This theory suggests a deep interconnectedness and oneness of the cosmos, echoing the ancient concept of Kaal Purush as the unified essence underlying all existence.
In summary, the profound insights of the ancient sage Parashara, as elucidated in BPHS, resonate with contemporary theories in physics, emphasizing the unity, interconnectedness, and the role of consciousness in the manifestation of the Universe. This convergence highlights the timeless wisdom encapsulated in Vedic scriptures, offering profound insights into the nature of reality that remain relevant across millennia.
Pages: 75-77  |  1242 Views  561 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Abhishek Kumar, Jyoti Arora. Kaal Purush Siddhant in Vedic astrology: A modern perspective. Int J Jyotish Res 2024;9(1):75-77. DOI: 10.22271/24564427.2024.v9.i1a.217
International Journal of Jyotish Research

International Journal of Jyotish Research

International Journal of Jyotish Research
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