2021, Vol. 6 Issue 2, Part A
Numerology and weight gain tendency
Author(s): Vevek Mantri
Abstract: Weight Gain tendency / Obesity is very common problem nowadays. Various factors contribute for same, right from unhealthy food habits, Bad Lifestyle, Stress, Relationship issues, medical conditions and others. Excess Weight results in various health issues ranging from Cardio Vascular issues to other Endocrine complications. Plus weight gain issues also result in disturbed relations, leading to divorce at times. Weight should be tackled at right time in right way, so as to avoid further complications. Also there is difference between being Overweight and Obese, but both conditions should be avoided as finally Poison is always a Poison. Almost 33% of Indians are facing issues of overweight and obesity. Personally I follow various therapies for treating my clients. Numerology has given me very good results specially in helping people to come out of Skin disease too.
How to cite this article:
Vevek Mantri. Numerology and weight gain tendency. Int J Jyotish Res 2021;6(2):05-07.